Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nevermore Jam & Bleak November

Salutations & Greetings! It has been awhile tho' this does not mean Pink Slip Jam has been hibernating. In keeping with the month of November & our appreciation for Norman, our resident corvid friend, we have a limited supply of Nevermore Jam available ~ this is an intense combination of blackberries, blueberries, & Doug fir tips is deep, dark, and perfect for morning scones, muffins, and toast during these dark days leading up to the Solstice. It may not be the first flavor concoction that comes to mind this time of year, yet I am convinced it will get your day off to an unusual start! This jam is made at the peak of blackberry season (which is quite a ways off!), so lay in a supply now for the Winter is nigh!

The best place to pick up your jams currently is the incredible Bernadette Breu on 6th & Hawthorne here in Portland, OR, home of some magnificent crows & ravens.

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